⭐️Pink Power  粉紅力量 25th Oct. 22:00~04:00
⭐️Celebration  盛世同囍 26th Oct. 22:00~04:00


慶祝台灣同婚通過了,將更盛大舉行我們的同樂會,就在台北遊行週 #MEGATPE2019


不用多說 the WOW 絕對給你好音樂!

這次的場地超級漂亮,音響更是採用國外大趴御用品牌 L-Acoustics,完全是國際大趴等級配備!



  Pink Power   HOTTEST DJ Line up
SURI (Spain)
MING (Taiwan)
THOMAS (Singapore)

  Celebration   HOTTEST DJ Line up
Micky Friedmann (Forever Tel Aviv)
Cory (Taiwan)
Zackiss (Shanghai)


主場派對第一天的主題 “Pink Power” 粉紅力量,慶祝台灣成為同志婚姻合法,讓世界看見我們的力量,在這一天讓我們一起Pink Up!!!

人氣爆表 DJ SURI 強勢登台!超強實力及頗具個人魅力的SURI,有他在的地方絕對現場氣氛勢不可擋,所以也是國際大趴愛用的天王級DJ,今年的台北遊行,就讓我們跟SURI一起嗨翻全場。

Let’s PINK you in Taipei Pride 2019

First day MAIN PARTY theme "Pink Power", celebrating the legalization of same-sex marriage, and let the whole world see the power that we posses, PINK UP!

Cherish the thy proud moment, lets meet up during theWOW Taipei Pride!

Boasting great talents and a huge follower crowd, DJ SURI is the most sought after DJ in the world gay circuit scene. Let's dance the night away this festival with his uplifting music.



主場派對第二天的主題 “Celebration” 盛世之囍,在台灣的10月,充滿了慶祝的喜悅,讓我們以辦喜宴的心態,歡迎海內外的所有朋友一同與我們祝福!這一天請穿上台灣傳統喜氣的紅色,與我們一同狂歡!
這一天的王牌DJ,重金邀請到Micky Friedmann這位天王級的製作人,他也是今年紐約最大趴 Masterbeat 的壓軸主秀,更是 Forever Tel Aviv 的王牌,暌違許久終於再度重磅登台!

The theme of Day 2 is "Celebration". The traditional wedding and festival colour in Taiwanese culture is red. We kindly ask everybody to wear the colour red to join Micky Friedman and rave in his music. Micky was the headliner of Masterbeat NYC 2019 and Forever Tel Aviv. It's been a long time since he last visited Taiwan. You won't want to miss his show again this year.




  1. 選擇完您需要的票種及數量
  2. 填寫您的資料(務必核對正確的電郵)
  3. 選擇完付款方式後付款完畢
  4. 即可收到一封由KKTIX發出的電郵,裡面有您的電子票券(QR Code)
  5. 憑QR CODE於活動當日在票務櫃檯領取您的票卡後即可入場
  6. 若您沒有收到KKTIX的電子票券,請檢查您的電郵是否寄到垃圾郵件夾,或是電郵填寫錯誤,可致電KKTIX客服中心 +886-2-2752-2836或email至客服信箱,告知您所參與的活動名稱及當時的訂單編號等內容,客服將會協助您取得您的電子票券!

【Ticketing Instruction】

  1. Select ticket amount.
  2. Fill in information.
  3. Select payment option and complete payment.
  4. An electronic ticket (QR Code) will be sent to your email from KKTIX.
  5. Bring the QR Code with you on the day on the event. It will be scanned at the entrance and you will receive the ticket to the event.
  6. If you did not received an email from KKTIX, please check your junk mail first. If not, please call KKTIX Customer Service +886-2-2752-2836 or email to, and inform customer service the event name and order number. They will be able to assist you with your electronic ticket



為強化信用卡網路付款安全,KKTIX售票系統網站導入了更安全的信用卡 3D 驗證服務,購票時將取得簡訊驗證碼,確保卡號確實為持卡人所有,以提供持卡人更安全的網路交易環境。3D驗證流程




  1. 請妥善保管票券,若票券遺失或損毀請自行負責,主辦單位無需承擔補票責任。
  2. 活動為毒品0容忍政策,禁止使用任何非法管制藥品,如經查獲一律法辦。
  3. 活動門票不包含飲料,並不得攜帶飲食入場。
  4. 本單位對於行為不當者(違法行為或嚴重妨礙其他消費者)將帶離活動現場外不得再入內。
  5. 會場設有吸煙區,請於吸菸區域內吸菸,非吸煙區請勿吸菸。
  6. 本活動將有保全人員檢查背包、口袋(主辦單位保留搜身權利)。
  7. 未滿18歲及未攜帶證件(可出示影本)謝絕入場。
  8. 本活動無退票與換票服務,若因天災或不可抗拒之因素導致活動必須取消,則退票將扣除票面價10%為手續費。
  9. 活動會場請理性飲酒,同時遵守喝酒不開車的原則。
  10. 對於未購票或持非當天票券入場者,經查獲將以現場票價雙倍金額補票。

【Event Notice】

  1. Please keep your entrance wristband on at all time. Anyone without a proper wristband on site will be charged Double Tix Price for a replacement wristband.
  2. Any usage or transaction of DRUGS will be reported immediately to the relevant authorities.
  3. Please drink responsibly and do not drink and drive. Event tickets do not include drinks.
  4. Please respect your fellow party-goers. Any illegal actions or actions that disturb other people's right to enjoy this event will be remove from this event without a refund and will not be allowed to re-enter the event.
  5. Please smoke in the smoking area.
  6. Backpacks and pockets will be checked by security, and the organizer has the right to frisk.
  7. Minors (under 18 of age) are not allowed into the event. IDs or Passports will be checked at the door.
  8. The tickets are NON-REFUNDABLE. If the event is cancelled due to natural disasters, all refunds will be subjected to a 10% refund processing fee.
  9. Anyone found entering without a ticket inside the venue will be charged double the ticket price.

-購票完成後憑QR CODE於活動當日在票務櫃檯領取您的票卡後即可入場-

若您沒有收到KKTIX的電子票券,請檢查您的電郵是否寄到垃圾郵件夾,或是電郵填寫錯誤,可致電KKTIX客服中心 +886-2-2752-2836或email至客服信箱,告知您所參與的活動名稱及當時的訂單編號等內容,客服將會協助您取得您的電子票券!

Event Tickets

Ticket Type Sale Period Price
MEGA TAIPEI PRIDE 遊行雙日套票 (出票用)

~ 2019/10/25 22:00(+0800) End of Sale
  • Free
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